
I’ve been a writer for as long as I can remember and a full-time paid writer for over two decades, writing in a variety of formats. See my resume here. Here are some samples of that work:


Kathryn vercillo books

Some self-published, others published with small publishers, find my books on Amazon.

Read an excerpt from Crochet Saved My Life here.

Read an excerpt from The Artist’s Mind here.


I love to interview people because I love to learn from people. I utilize my writing and discussion skills to create a conversation that flows easily no matter what form the original interview took (email, video call, etc.) I believe in allowing people to answer questions in the ways that best serve their needs, so over on Substack I am happy for people to answer not only in words but also in images or sound. Sometimes we don’t have words for what we want to say and neurodiversity means we each speak best in different mediums.



Over the years, I’ve worked on reviews for books, music, theatre performances, art exhibits, and more. My goal isn’t to critique so much as to highlight the strengths of a piece and provide an overview that gives insight into the work.



I love the essay format and write first person essays as well as informational essays.


Blog Posts and Website Content

Over the years I’ve written first and third person blog posts and website content for more websites than I can count in a variety of different styles, word count lengths, and subject areas. Just a few examples:

Magazine Articles

I have worked as a monthly/quarterly columnist for a variety of magazines including Happily Hooked, Interweave Crochet, and Plymouth Yarn Magazine. I’ve also had articles published in a variety of other magazines over the years.


crochet heals interview and book review

Plymouth yarn magazine article on crochet benefits

Crafted Coral: Get to Know Fiber Artist Vanessa Barragão



My research and writing, especially my expertise in crochet as therapy, have been regularly quoted/cited/referenced in books, academic publications and magazines. See examples.