“My Life is Dangerous,” 2006 – present

I’ve always been fascinated by the signage around us and particularly with signs about “danger.” For a long time, whenever I would see one, I’d pose in front of it, fake-screaming (which usually looked like a laugh because I’m not the best actress in the world) and adding it to my series. I take them less often these days, mostly only when the sign or setting feels really unique, but I’ve always loved this series and enjoy adding to it now and then.

I think one of the reasons I am so amused by this is because I don’t live an adventurously dangerous life … I don’t hike off trail or do any extreme sports (or really any sports) or travel too often or to particularly “dangerous” places … but just living our every day regular life, especially as a woman, can be dangerous. And yet, also, there are so many signs warning of us danger where often the signage seems a bit unnecessary.